Saturday, March 14, 2009

London Tipton

malam bosaaan, eh pagi deng hahaha jam 1 pagi gitu. biasa kalo libur ya begini deh ga tidur dulu hiiiiiiiiiii nah terus tadi kan gue bosen ya, terus dikasih tau sama mey website yg enak apa. eh gue malah disuruh buka ngahahahahah udah lama juga gabuka itu web. terus gue disuruh buka yg london tipton yay me, entar chat gitu. emang ngeselin, liat dehhhhh

Hi there, thanks for visiting my site! How are you?
Wonderful, just wanted to say hi to you!
Hi back! So what is your favorite thing about my Yay Me! site?
I LOVE your webisodes, I've watched them all!
That's so cool! I love them too. Cody helped me film them and I feel like they highlight me in the best possible way, don't you think?
Definitely. The webisodes are a great way to get to know the REAL London Tipton!
It's true, that's the point! Give people a glimpse into my fabulous life!
Well it worked, and I love your fashion!
Fashion is my life! I think I hear the mall calling... see you soon!

mana itu gue chat berkali kali tp akhir2nya dia ngomong kaya gitu "Fashion is my life! I think I hear the mall calling... see you soon!" gitu aja terus lu london londonan -_-
wanna try? buka disney asia dulu terus pilih suitelife, cari deh pilihan london tipton yay me

0 suggestions: